Jewelry Financing
Since1910 has partnered with Wells Fargo and we are proud to offer online interest-free jewelry financing for our customers. To apply, simply click on the link below and you will be taken to the online application. Once you submit your application you will then be given your credit limit by Wells Fargo directly within 20 minutes.
After receiving your credit limit and new account number please contact us by phone (1-800-979-1910) or by email ( to proceed with your transaction. We do not receive your personal contact information through Wells Fargo, as your information is transferred straight through to them.
If you aren't approved for the full amount of your intended purchase please call us at 1-800-979-1910. Initial approvals are computer automated and don't always allow the highest available limit. Depending upon your credit we can often times get Wells Fargo to approve a higher limit with a manual review of your credit history.
Financing provided by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank with approved credit.